
Empower your spatial data with the intelligence it deserves


Seeking to create highly specialized web spatial applications that perfectly fit your unique needs? Introducing Geoblox by GIM - a rapid development framework tailored to meet the demands of customization. With a rich assortment of ready-to-use features and endless customization possibilities, Geoblox empowers you to craft advanced applications without limitations.

Standard WebGIS applications are great for displaying spatial data and making standard operations and analyses. However, they have their limitations in terms of personalization, functionalities, and integration with other applications. That is why GIM developed Geoblox, a framework for advanced customized map applications.

Take full control over your geodata

Do you want a map application in which users can smoothly display spatial data, perform operations and make in-depth analyses themselves? Geoblox makes it all possible. More than that, you choose which functions are available for each type of user.

More tailored, you won’t find

Geoblox's ingeniously modular structure delivers a uniquely tailored application for every user.

  • Choose the features you need from a set of building blocks ("blox").
  • Organize and personalize each feature to build your application according to your needs and preferences.
  • Add custom features if needed.
  • Completely adapt the design to match your identity.




Core functions of Geoblox. It includes a super-equipped map that supports ESRI & OGC layers: drill down, geocode, measurement tools, layer manager, street view, export PDF, legends, numeric & graphical scale, and other functionalities

Catalog Reader

Explore. Search data catalogues and dynamically import layers to the map.

Attribute Table

Read and filter spatial data in a table with filter functions like in a spreadsheet. Synchronise the filter with the map and download the filtered data. 

Acces Management

Add authentication, group and role permission management. 

Editing tools

Edit attributes, and edit geometries: undo, redo, rotate, translate, edit vertex, snap, merge, split, splice, ...


Visualize spatial data and BIM in 3D, switch seamlessly from 2D to 3D.


Access your geodata from any location: Progressive Web Application (PWA) with offline capabilities.

Symbology Manager

Let your geographic information speak for itself. Graphical user interface to manipulate the symbology of layers in real time.    

Thematic Maps

Let users without special GIS knowledge create thematic maps with layers, title, description and custom symbology. Maps are created in draft for review and are available in an Atlas after validation and publication.

Dashboard Manager

Create charts (pie, bar, line), link them dynamically to filters & map extensions, add to thematic maps (Thematic Maps module required).

Easily integrate maps, data and services

Geoblox comes standard with commonly used background layers, data and services, such as Open Street Map, Google Street View and regional open data sources. Thanks to its open architecture, you can also easily integrate your own or external data and applications via web services or APIs. Do you manage your (meta)data via a specific platform? Then you can use Geoblox to access your catalogue and display the layers easily.

In addition, Geoblox is the ideal way to give your users access to the data and services of Belmap, THE source for location-specific information on addresses and buildings in the Benelux countries.

Experience GeoBlox in action on the Solar Map site.
Curious about the possibilities for your organisation? Contact GIM for more info.

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    An Heirman

    An Heirman

    Project & Relation Manager

    +32 (0)16 40 30 39 +32 (0)16 40 30 39

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