GIM Service Desk: for all your questions and customised support

Already a customer? Please contact our Service Desk for all your questions regarding our products and services or for specific support needs.

Please refer to our Service Desk in case:

  • You need assistance with the use of our geo-products.
  • You have a technical problem. 
  • You have a question concerning your invoice or your order.
  • You want to conclude a Service Palet contract.
Service Desk

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GIM respects your privacy. We collect your data in order to process your request. We might also keep you informed about GIM's products or services. We will not pass on your data to other organisations under any circumstances. You are entitled to review your data and withdraw your consent for its processing.  Consult GIM's privacy policy for more information.

  • Your contact person

    Service Desk

    GIM Service Desk

    016 387 581 016 387 581