Up-to-date geo-data make property sustainability scalable

28 March 2024

GIM and CFP Green Buildings join forces to deliver fast and accurate insights into the return on sustainable investments. Thanks to this collaboration, owners and investors have access to an unprecedented wealth of high-quality data on individual properties to entire real estate portfolios. This provides the sector with an instrument to accelerate the sustainability of real estate in Belgium, while paying attention to returns.

Mission: making the real estate sector in Belgium more sustainable

CFP Green Buildings' mission is to assist in making all buildings in the world more sustainable. To realise this mission, it developed the Green Buildings Tool. This tool provides insights into the opportunities to make buildings sustainable in a cost-effective way and in a way that is automated.

To realise its ambitions in Belgium, CFP was looking for high-quality real estate information to integrate into the Green Buildings Tool. This turned out to be a challenge, because in Belgium the data sources are spread across different bodies, with very different quality levels as well. This is why GIM's Belmap came into the picture.

Belmap is GIM's digital twin of the built environment with the most accurate and comprehensive insights into buildings in the Benelux region. Thanks to smart algorithms, it integrates data from more than 60 sources into a high-quality collection of real estate information.

"By integrating Belmap's data into the Green Buildings Tool, property financiers and owners can easily and quickly be provided with accurate sustainability advice, saving them considerable time and effort.”, explains Nanda Verschoor, Head of International Operations at CFP Green Buildings.

Reliable insight into returns

Reliable information is indispensable for making buildings sustainable. Not only for calculating returns, but also for preparing reports and assessing risks.

Bart Thomas, Business Owner Banking & Insurance at GIM: "Data quality is the focus of our integrated vision and approach. Each property in Belmap has a unique and stable identifier that allows real estate information to be monitored over time. In addition, we always communicate transparently to our customers about data quality through reliability indicators. Banks and lenders attach great importance to this."

From individual property to entire portfolio

For clients seeking to make their portfolio more sustainable, Belmap's integration into the Green Buildings Tool provides them with a user-friendly solution. They get quick insight into the state of their properties, available opportunities, the potential, expected returns and valuations of sustainable investments. This saves them the enormous effort of collecting all this data themselves. The result? A better user experience and higher quality, allowing clients to focus on making the right decisions without having to delve into complex data collection.

"With the correct data, you can easily and quickly create a tailored sustainability report: from an individual building to the entire portfolio. In doing so, you can focus on ESG, on financial savings achieved, but also on PCAF or CRREM. By integrating Belmap into the Green Buildings Tool, we can quickly provide the banking and real estate sector with the right insights and data," Nanda concludes.

Up-to-date geo-data make property sustainability scalable