Blog: Expanding from FME Form to FME Flow? Yes, and for these 3 reasons

20 October 2023

With the data integration platform FME, you can easily link (geo)data. It does not matter what type of data is involved, where it is located, or in what format. Looking for additional options for efficiency, accessibility and automation? Then make the move to FME Flow.

FME Form Flow

For many organizations, FME Form (formerly FME Desktop) has become an indispensable tool for smoothly processing geodata. But what if it could be even better? If you opt for the server variant - FME Flow - then you will use the power of FME to its full potential.

#1 Faster and more efficient data processing

Because FME Flow runs existing FME workspaces through a server, you automatically benefit from the powerful hardware associated with the server. That means data processing processes will be faster. Even more, you can effortlessly distribute different processes across different servers for optimal efficiency.

In addition, a server also guarantees a fast and stable network connection to databases and other data sources. As a result, reading and writing large amounts of data runs more smoothly than ever. This will be music to the ears of teleworkers: they no longer need to transfer data from the company network to their own computers. Everything stays within the corporate network and is processed there by FME Flow.

Finally, a server also ensures that your own computer is no longer burdened during data processing. Switching off your laptop at night without risking process interruption? No problem.

#2 Accessible for everyone

Data are everywhere. The consequence: everyone in an organization will have to deal with it sooner or later. Thus, there are numerous possible scenarios for data processing. One colleague wants to export data from a database into a certain file format, another colleague wants to perform a quality control on the data, yet another wants to convert the data to a new file format, etc.

For experienced users of FME this is all child's play, but what about non-experts? You'll help those from now on with FME Flow.

In short: with FME Flow, any colleague can run FME workspaces through the user-friendly web interface. This leads to higher productivity, while your FME experts no longer have to jump in at random. Also good to know is that you can shield processes via a login system. So you decide which users get access and who doesn't.

#3 More focus on automation

Any experienced FME Form user knows it: you develop a workspace to process data, but now this process has to take place on a regular basis. That means that each time, you trigger the process yourself at the desired time. Or doesn't it?

FME Flow

Through the web interface of FME Flow you can schedule processes and specify the interval at which you want the (automatic) repetition. You can read how this works in practice here: City of Ostend makes data work in real time with FME Flow.

Don't have a fixed interval in mind, but rather a trigger, such as an incoming mail, a new file or another event? Through FME Flow Automations, you can easily set triggers for the start of certain processes. FME is no longer specialist work. With FME Flow, anyone in your organization can process data. In a fast and efficient way, with a high degree of automation.

If you have any questions about how FME Flow can help your organization become data-driven, don't hesitate to contact us.

Niels Gabriels
GIS Architect and FME Certified Professional